
Ku from French, were speaking American English probably....he says he is the American. He has a motocycle. He confess, so I will tell him, where to go to those wasting your time, none stop at....

That is what you mean you need? You are inside BMW! Practically speaking every-time your personnel....might be the Congress visitor groups, they end at the President suite, that is another side of the direction away from 101, in case you didn't know that is one on my left, or on my right.

Its a scooter in America word. We don't have those things called motocycle....has, but not the main trend. Everyone working 5 to 9, they use scooter, but that term in Chinese are "Motocycle".

Open my Youtube!

Oh ~You mean museum Tourism? You don't see enough exhibit A to Z? School field trips? 

Eating ASMR? You gone to Korea or Japan, you start shivering first...because until you open your mouth to eat, you realize, its all fake in the video. Its very very freezing cold.

Taiwan Motocyclo 台灣摩特車


You want to find some other time to visit Taiwan. They just finish an electron, it will take a month, how they killing each other exactly like the TV says.  That is what the democracy means right on the television. I am the narrative. 


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