
Home?! Home is here Taiwan. Yeah...I already told you everything. (Westlife)

Volleyball Captain, she is the Air tenden.

The Same class 2nd categories is a Torus, she is the same town the Captain from. They take the same bus home direction, the Metro is where that SMCH on the map. 板橋

She has 3 brothers. No, I don't know what her parents do. She and the setter went to Europe or German.

That yellow notepad, were the first time I discover the genetic structure. I done it by hands, it was not from the PC. Its the bigger paper than that, in America. The regular those size. Not small pad.....

They are not going to inquistive me, what is the Sun and Nibiru, invisible, and Binary Dark Star?
It was on the Facebook, every UB human saw it.
Those 2012, how the world ends? ~~~~~!!!! So many people having a theory that time. 2 Earth, 2 timeline, the Project Camelot? They didn't say about the Sun was the binary system.
Someone else saying that.
You don't know what is a Nibiru, Planet X?
I didn't discover that ! You mean the crop cricle on how photographer got beat up by ADD those things? It was far away the same location name on the 2 different Crop Circle. I say that 2015. The moment I become Greater Good. I sent human doing the junk things ought to be?
Probably not that? 
The Same crop circle on Nibiru~~!!! It was on UB Facebook?~~~

Seth, I cannot really random move away, because....
This is the place, the General at.
They used to be, or they still are.

I think that rank is a General. Right across the electric charge places. Miss Green.

When Simon had a parents, when will that be?
I was walking by....the general residence? Its here.

There is a big Tree like 龍貓 !!!!

Did I see something strange funny here, I am telling you, the parallel Universe do exist. It happened before. Like it was there, next day disappear,
It happens probably 3 times in my life.  The physical structure disappear, that 2 times + 1 nick doesn't remember something I talked about. I was so sure that one time we did talk about it.

oh ~ the Harry Potter's bus?

Obama O means Venus?
Justin Timberlake did that. The flower shop!
Venus women from German....she was on the 90s TV or 70s? 
When she was young. She was put on the American television with another black dress venus women too.
2 Women.
She got married with several kids and husband, no one believing her stories. So she later becoming.....her own saying, some people following her.

When I was 30 years old, that is Obama.

This is not about Pluto?

Sailor Pluto is....rock.
Uranus and Neptune are gas planet. So the definition when they divide that....Pluto is not a planet. No. It is a planet ....Because Pluto has the satelites, that is how they used to define that.

So how does that invovled to becoming the Planet 9?
Right outside the Pluto, there is a word Kuper belt...because when you used to discover about these planet like that guy were saying. Its that you have to place upon the gravitational pull to that how you revolving the sun. When they dealing that Uranus, that is how it happened. 
You didn't see the real trajectory of the orbiting orbits?
Around the sun
The definition of one year = that planet revolving to the Sun.
So that definition how Uranus was place upon or Neptune, the result....

Discovery and Exploration; Basic Properties of Uranus and Neptune ... Deviations in orbit of Uranus led to prediction of Neptune's orbit by two astronomers

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