
Your imagination of England new gf? 你們想像的英國新女朋友?

There is a new about a ship was made, both the dad and Prince William says no. 有一艘船做好,是說國王跟威廉王子,但是他們倆的都說 "不"

No one saying anything why these comic books sound real heart torn, if you know what I mean? 沒有人訴說為什麼這些漫畫會是真的心很痛

I meant more for you people go and participate something for an outing, I never expecting you, you meant your Real Dream to become what? England Queen Consort?

我的意思比較你們去外面遊玩,我從來就沒有指望你們去變成真正的夢想,做成英國皇后的 consort?

是這種意思嗎 ?

That kind of meaning?

Prince Charles and Prince William ‘will NOT use £200m Royal Yacht Britannia for family trips', says Palace insider - as MoD 'threatens Boris it will scrap new Navy ship or F-35s' if forced to foot bill



Certain worlds have a certain religion, and that was not about us Asia to flip that Bible book, even if many people are Christian for that Church Bell in China, you can only stay in China, not coming over here in Taiwan, really. That book Open and Close its at the Western Worlds. Their Top to decide certain direction of the future, meaning sailing on the sea, it has a reason or why or how their decision will come down. That time, no one can argue anything really....you don't really go and argue them, why that choice they tell you so, for reason 1 to 1000. They just telling you so.

有些世界有某種宗教,這個其實不是亞洲自己翻來覆去的聖經,很多人在中國也是基督徒的那種教堂,但是中國人只能待在中國呀 ~ 你們不能來台灣,真實世界,這本書的打開跟關起來是屬於西方世界,至於他們上面的人決定某種決策,對於未來,意思就是不停的開船、開航,行駛在海洋上面,是有原因他們才會有那種決定性的政策,而且從上面下來,那個時間不會有人爭執....你不能真的去跟他們爭執為什麼這樣那樣,只是他們告訴你們那樣~原因一到一千,他們告訴你們! 




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