
You want to manipulate American military (world military), China, China military (you mean China economic? no more Taiwan I guess.....) 你們想要操控美國軍事(世界軍事),中國,中國軍事(是說中國經濟,在也沒有台灣的意思?)

And for some reason the world in this Era has to revolve a comet none stop? You can wait another 1000 years, no more paper records, see how paranoid those edge human minion evolve and becoming....I told you, some human existence civilization base on "noise". Death is not a good thing, but you cannot see anything in front of it.

某種原因這個世代要繞著這顆彗星、隕石不停地轉? 你們可以等另外一千年,在也沒有書本紙張的紀錄,看看那些非常 paranoid 怎麼翻譯的人群跟 on edge 尖銳?的人像小小兵演化跟變成...我曾經告訴你們人類的文明是根據某種 "吵鬧的狀態",死亡不是很好的事情但是你們看不到任何東西前面。

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