
Your have a particular things, you romance a fast quick kiss 3 months, holding....you have a stuff puppet animals?! How come you don't just hold it tight, "Loving U So Much", throw on the bed, forget it about it. Focus on your works?!

You running in running out, if you don't lose your IQ, okay....

You running in running out with the money, to say, you halt your working years resume or CV like 3 years, your IQ will DROP. .....What did I say the first sentence? "If you don't LOSE it your IQ."

The truth is, many people getting a minimum wage, or the cubical office desk, they have a line and square per ruler sheet, or printer, or binds to that chair, staring at the monitor.

That is called the 3 Meals a Day human, meaning you taken your transportation home, you seeing human faces, everywhere, or at the gasoline station. You didn't go dormant. 

You lost your entire K1 to K12.

I have high tech, to when I will find out, its when you saying the Romance that first day, the first 3 months, you losing it all IQ while you are in the school? Holding it hands together, licking? That sensation feeling less lonely?

Sailor Moon Christmas Party?  On a Comet configuration.....

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