
Technically, Taiwan they are Green Party more local....speaking Taiwanese. Well, the Party between that or that....I didn't participate anything in the politics, for....how long, really.

Not in America, not in Taiwan.

You shouldn't be doing the ilegal things, that is at least I will tell you I have that decency, the rest its all you saying between each other. I didn't understand a lot of things yet. Too busy. 

I do watching news. 

You like the spicy and eggs?

Eggs Furon? In Chinese restaurant the Candonese style?

Egg has a particular 腥 smell 腥味, I usually swallow the entire boiling eggs, not so expensive, and....it will not be that furon. The entire eggs are enclose means.


I will eat that white rice a little bit portion with that soup, staining on it.

A little bit stain on that meat, to the things she mix together at the beginning, its the Asian Thin vicemilli. Its called "The Ant Climbing Up the Tree". 螞蟻上樹

I eat those Republican human eats. Those human exhibit certain particular trait, like my father. Table cloth, Tea cup, real Tea cup pouring things, Porsillin, a Tea hold up, you don't burn your hands.

Practically you sit there when everyone finished. Dr. Shen done it once.

A embellish chair. Traditionally kinds. I don't usually going for that my personal choice. But I know what those are. 

Kinda like the Go Game Table.

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