
You see....all you girls really need to vola in your back school, like the High School for some reasons. Its not the grade, its the brain!

The Sailor Moon ideas, I told you those ET relent. Meaning Reptilian or Greys, America didn't make that complicated distinction of all those speicies, but saying Grey will be saying you can have 4 bubble teas on the table, to be happy some times.

Those are legal also in your society formation.

Me Anna even propose that you included the guys going in, like Wing or like Dennis, sometimes those Washington D.C funding just meant it.....its sometimes you have the guys in, sometimes kick them out as the girls gathering power, to sound like Mild and kind to each other Hooters

Remember where we went, next by the Motel 6?

Next to the highway. Me and nick gone there. The Hooter just walking next by.

In Amherst or that is not yet Williamsillve?

Jonathon Kessler MD is born right there. He is from Kenmore Hospital near by?! Somehow one human like him sometimes near by to call, not Pete, also with Teresa with a daughter, how each other all in Kenmore passing by Hooters? Its on the way back to Jonathon's house anyway?! 

Keegan sometimes goes back? He is somewhere not too far? Pizza Plant are one location right at Transit, both Jonathon and Keegan can gain more weight as the saying goes, never eat enough really. Hunger Game.  

Their houses parents are there...

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