
You didn't try to be mindful when the life trying to strive on their own terms. You try to define what is the mortal or the celetial, in your own dirt language how to describe your dirty hands on organ, saying sexuality....to define justice.

You will find out what that justice meant in the thousand years to come. I guarantee you that. You are just one of the civilization trying to get the education two cents right, that doesn't promise or gurantee what you truly will be one day, full of the desire to show off, 2 cents.

To that every lesson you do not kneel, and bow, and flat and repent. Its all free, and freedom emcompass, you will know where you all will end up. 

Forever, and ever. I promise the Lords.

One person's jobs will be forever and ever.....its universal known in your military upper cross. You just didn't know what you really praying for at.

System redon ...coil, curls....


What is the word redon the video? Re-process! 

(gesture curls, how English language will become the things of my past too. That will not be validated on Earth. One extra jobs? )

Say it again, the court paper on Tesla radio its 2 coil, or Maconni 1 coil? One of those I hate everything done in the wrong order, someone will pay dearly on that, if every invention trying to get smart, one tiny defect, under my regime, you can die without money, but never....distribution right on?

The mis-used laws can even get through that Supreme Court of Justice in America.

You will all go to hell with this one case.

How Titanic sank isn't it?

Is that radio on Maconni invention or just the distribution Tesla Westinghouse cannot use the Edison light bulb anyway, so that is every 30 mins switching labor forces 1893?

I read enough, I will surely tell you.....its everything I know it by heart. Someone reading don't require your redundant learning, in case China proven you, from which year on.....there is no more cram school methods to having the side effects however long that will last.....

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