
oh, you are not Doctor anymore, you mean MD, the Medical Doctor entail, or Ph.D? So....you are not just died, you are zombie.

The day I visit your School University or the Medical Campus facebook website? Or it will be National Archive, 2 unseen, it would be One+....1/2? cannot see it, not coast guards, they name them Capital police, finding you all? The scaf of the America. Or It was Dr. T? I email him 2019. I never know if he exists at all too. 

In the body existence of the that compass the soul, mind, and consciousness, you have the ego complex structure like the Law of One states. To that every nature of this one planet, you are custom, to this Water staining everywhere, are starting your were young, you breathing the air has the water vapor in it, no matter where you saying the Continental weather or the islander, of course, the degree of the body scales will be different.

The nearest to the sea, the more their immune systems are strongers.

To this curses ideas how the body got buried inside the water, it is the medium you descirbe in your physics, a basic low level physics, how each property of the oil, the air, the water, to where the Light emit, or de-flect this each terms, has one diagram, and one termiology how to describing them....how you all lacking your educational materials, nothing but drunkness in party, vola in the end of every term, gala.

To this physical body you acquire to saying breathing the oxygen must be, you defined the dimension you seeing in 3D, with a Time flowing saying 4D. Then I anna saying the equation that relation to the Earth, was the Heaven's time, or the celestial time you will be all dead one day with the bone body, flesh being directly dissinulated in the century to come, if you have the money to bury the body, the flesh will decay gradually. No more blood, no more life force.

That terms or terminology to that termination, its death.

Got it?

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