
"You are building an infrustructure ....the back bones of the civilizaiton that does not crumble."

Got it?

It might be a medical field related = the mortality, and the public hygienic, people feeling happy and healthy, and more vibrant, not slugglish.

It might be an IT entire back bones of the billing cycle, you can access in the remote home, without going in the bank?

It might be App feature some tool like Loving Hut swipe the credit card, its a gadget, and an IPad? or I am the Artists, selling an Art works, you shake hands, on an IPad billing app with the clients credit cards, ever seen the ....what is the name, one of those looks like Middleton human. the Curator.

It might be the educational facilitation for the ADD or Autism kid to learn the language ability more open, the gaming zone learning.


You enhance the water hyginenic, ore you say the public utensil are much cleaner than 30 years ago, you can eat in the public space, that seeing their utensil? The higher end of the public dining experience restaurant, you don't need to equip your own spoon, forks, or chopsticks?

You know what I mean?

You have a lot of the sectors, you constantly seeing a long run, big picture, = infrastructure of that basic things, later the human population filling in the blanks. These infrastructure of course are lawful.

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