
Where is Bank? The Tiny Home expenses?

I can hear it myself. 

The Human got thrown out, and they are wrestling with their parents where it is, what it is. So they die early. Then they freeze out when the house cannot paid, that scenario. 

The hot heater broken in the winter, the house has no heat, there is no gasoline in the car, there is no food in the fridge, the roof needs to be replaced, there is no money, no money, no money.

What happened? 

No, IQ lows means, its when it happens like Tony. Their memory does not last long, its argumentation would be seemingly they have a right to their own perfect room.  

They didn't know the air-con will break

They didn't know the heating water will run out of the battery. They curse words when there is not hot water. That is not heating the house, what does it call, the furnace. That can break too. Mimmo's house on the furnace, and the Heating which things in Tony's house, and one day he doesn't even have the gasoline. That is his dad says.

The house insurance

The mortgage insurance

That is when they remember they used to have a parents. They wish they are there. For as long as they will ever remember.

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