
When you want to explain something to someone, do you write it down, what you intend to say, and what you really hearing yourself saying it?

I am very sure, most of the stuffs, I say were written in English down. In America, you probably meant it you talking to American, or you are native American, trying to speaking in English?

The Food science itself its not a college major.

The material science major, that is also not a particular American University did that kinds of the trending to the undergraduate major, you know what that is. And if you ever brought up a term in the material science, in the Chinese translation.....

They will tell you that is not mechanical science, if you just listen to yourself what you are trying to say. These words.

Between Asia or American, especially if you going straight to the University Principle, as if you and the the schooling Principle, not to say all the way on the Post Secondary Institution....upper, called the University Principle or the University Professor, not those Lauren slept around the high school gym teacher.....

There are certain vocabulary words, or the proper noun, or the way how you describe, either in the translation format, or in the ideas of the English you understand between a mechanical science to carry a wiki on that material science, saying out loud.....to yourself, or to the listener, whichever verse, you trying to quote, not that I have read that wiki neither on the "Material Science"......anyway you trying to sound like you are literate, those are not your terminology you normally saying in your daily English, however you look at yourself in the mirror, whichever words you saying sourly, what those again?

I didn't read the Wiki, but I will read it now. 

okay, I see what happened now.

The way that wiki wrote, has nothing to do with Honorable Superior 2 cents, on the fire department annually on the failure of the material goods, that make up their System written notes, not just ilegal, its "recall"?

Do you have a Target those big container, you have a bag, with the microwave, is that the heating bag, or ice pack? One of those? You secure that container inside a blue bags? 

And they comes with either that is the microwave heated bags, to ensure the food are warm when you go on the picnic.

If that failure to the microwave inside, or outside when you carried inside your car, you can ask the fire department, if they are supposed to pass their exam, as the material goods. Don't bother saying that is the material science.

Its from ebay, not from Target



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