
My UFO top roof told me 是你們未來的出路, the future exit road?

花千骨 = Flower Thousand Bones

Its your future exit road?

I tell you what to do. The biggest market to saying how it lands will probably always at American side, how you wish to enter China market, that is....just Google trying to, especially on the material science, this one major. 

So you best recommendation its at the American side, their regulation agency. If you pass the American standard, and distribute the goods or the commercialize.....porsilin dolls like the Home Shopping Networks, one of those main stream media on the US territory, there will be 194 country notices you, and that Agency of the America, will be the specialist human on.....how to process all those that garbage leaking gel, leaking water, leaking unknown solution, color solution, over heating, over-done.....one of those one to one million failure tests on all that "the commercialize junks yard sell."

Remember, when you finish your material science goods, to acquire a patent, you have to send them your demo, exactly the mock up just like the patent you say, you read, you write, you sign, you pay the annual fees to keep that patents, from the raw materials to the final products.

And in that closing, you suppose to send in how many demo, on your own pocket money to each and every regulating agency, to.....suspend your lab included future outlook, if you trying to outlaws that microwave. 

You cannot destroy the microwave, its a regular household appliance, but you can destroy your own products. That will be the ending say about ALL that material sciences really meant.

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