
When you saying the chemistry, you saying there is a chemical reaction. While in the bio- science, you have the pathway, or the feedback system. 在化學裡面有化學工程式,在生命科學裡面你們有所謂 Pathway 或是 feedback 系統

In the chemistry, that is a dead saying. In the bio-science, that is Life itself having those cyclic cycle how things be done.


In chemistry, you have a structure. In biology, you have a smaller molecular structure to give you a blue print from your inherited background, that is your parents. To that rising up structure, you have a cell, a tissue, an organ, a system like a circulation blood system, or oxygen breathing system, to nerve system, you sleeping still breathing oxygen by itself system, to one day, you have the whole body moving 4 limbs as the soul having a consciousness dictating your hunger response, while you on the fasting, meaning....ancient teaching on self-discipline. That is while you gaining the basic human life comfer, you start to pursue something higher evolution, = spirituality. 

在化學你們有一結構,在生物裡面,你們有一個維小的分子學,給你們基因藍圖,從你們遺傳來說就是你們父母親,在這成長的環境裡面有一個細胞、一個組織、一個器官、一個系統像說循環血液系統,或是氧氣呼吸的系統還是叫做神經系統,你們睡覺的時候還會呼吸自己的系統,有一天你們有的身體整體的四肢,跟一個靈魂在有意識之下控制你們的飢餓感覺,這種叫做 fasting 意思就是古代學習自我控制,當你們開始有基本人身的安穩之下,你會開始追逐一些較高的演化 = 靈修!

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