
They are all based upon the same chemical formula, when you define atom, compound, mixture, a particular life science component, such as you evolve those structure to give a name, DNA, RNA and amino Acid.

Its the same Organic Chemistry. 是一樣的有機化學

You looking at the DNA or RNA, 你們如果看基因學的 DNA, RNA 跟胺基酸

So called the organic chemistry basic definition are C, H, O. 基本的有機化學的定義是碳、氫、氧

In the life science, meaning here you just adding one more N, 在生命科學裡面,意思這裡你只是加了一個氮

Its in fact, if you truely saying the basic definition of all structure to what you evolve having an upper class in your undegraduate course, to today you meant absolutely no relation, that is false, and I am the organic chemistry tutor.

所以實際上,如果你真的說基本的定義叫做所有形體之所以,演化到你們有高一點的大學課程,是今天你們說完全沒有相關,那其實是錯誤的,而我就是那個有機化學的 tutor 


And the most important things, I am the one discover this one thing person, so what you saying why I am none relation to whatsoever that person, that is mistaken far away too badly.

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