
UFO Seth? You know...having a UFO technology, like from my Anna's roof to UB, coming back and forth? A UB Seth?

Anyway....no, he is still a gay, he just changed a bit his entire look, just like that VS shown the audience seat. It probably freak me out! But its more convenience for him.


Desk Top



That Seth wants me to stay on his side of benefits, advantage he needs. I don't care of his friends, he doesn't care about my stuffs, the comic book.

But that W two lines, its there, so he found out. Why Justin Timberlake material did all that. For whatever reason, not to trigger that UFO Seth, I practically didn't do anything with UB them unless the court asking me, are these people you know them from the Facebook? I would say yes.

Other than that, we are not that close. For any reason, I just stay the way I am here. Too many things I cannot sort, but I think he has a reason. He is more advance, however seen or know or heard from.

His original personality may be not exactly crying parts, more like wolf that will bite you. And now he just getting worsen whatever he becoming. Meaning he has no patience. Because that TV, normally if a government didn't mean what they say, and someone publicly stated that, they suppose to take it down. So his patience only last as if...my brain so well wish to be remembrance why I even have my facebook disapear anyway?

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