
Tiny House - I think I can just cut my current house, to makes the same things....everyone has nothing but glueing on my video.


So let's say, you know what my current places are.

You put that small container L direction to the right. At the kitchen side.




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Kinda like those DNA alphabet looking (RNA)   

Top, washer/dryer at the left side (2 Bar)

Below, that is the current Kitchen, a little walkway, bathroom, desk, my bed.

Its the container bigger, or my current places bigger?  

Or I just get the 2 container, really, the rest are the space, or hang a TV somewhere

Washer /dryers its where the guest sleep air bags. I know what is an air bag, how amazing. 

I don't like deck. I like those white, egg white those concrete floor, flatten down....all the way.



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