
Tina has a lot of this guys playing for 3 months. She keeps well on the gym those story tale.....used to be best friend more intellects, I thought, would be smarter.....we used to be competition I told you in the elementary school, the Hong Kong Lawyer.

These ABC don't see each other often back in Taiwan. But that is all their contact left them. 

Then Tina went to meet some of this higher end 200US dollar meal, or high NT dollar meal, their circle friends, or she met them..... meaning all these dress up Asian photo on the facebook. Like I used to say every 20 years bracket, we always thought it was the previous 20 years living life, never change. 

The drinking Bar its when I rent them one day, day time, I walking in and out of that front door with a dress 100 times back and forth ....I surpass their 40 years to find out.  How I swing that door anyway....one hour.


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