
Legal issue - let's say me and nick don't get married, still, there is one thing if we live long enough together, that is called the common-in-laws. But there is an Canadian Pixies, you leave the world every so often, so that is a torturing on my parts, but that safe guards a lot of the legal issues, including his useless kids, all that.

So if you do know there is a legal issue, and those dating service guy will for sure finding it out, it is very possible, before the time up, he will tell you, you guys break-up. The guys do those things to Tina Jojo. They really do those things.

Let's say, your age of those guys are less experience, so at the beginning, they also have those emotion of games, how they break up, and break in, one of those to each other with the girls. 

When you saying, your wish and prayers and you seeing the older guys as your fantasy, their age will die out one day, not currently, still ....nick was already way older at my time, and now, that is 20 years pass....almost.

Meaning, if certain guys, including Eben those bracket, upper, he knew a lot of those millionairs guys, their jobs have nothing but fooling around the girls, those kinds. They have no emotion whatsoever, the day "Out." Its the same things over and over and over.

Practically speaking. 

The way I tell you is....you will got hit back a lot. You don't want to see a guy very sterm, and its 3 months ended, or what that....they practically have no mercy in their tones, in their faces, in their games to play, you are none existence in 3 months. You are a girl, you are not a machine?

But that is what I really telling you the reality. The girls you do those things, you will get hurt a lot a lot a lot.

1) You have no asset

2) You are not yourself an investement, those Dennis side human, they callibrate everything as an investment of their time, money, energy, and the cruel facts in the Wall Street those proper vocabulary. I don't have those words for you.

3) Their primary family will be the biggest things, not you. It does mean to them.

4) Even if those primary family it were starting the day 1 are the garbage, that would be nick's case, still.....you as a girl, providing some humane hearts, will sound like a right things because they are all human beings born under God. You can exhibit some kinds of the tolerance no matter what. Its always your guy's fault anyway, you understand?

5) A lot of the traditional family have the 4 stoves, meaning Holiday Per Recession included, whatever that means to you. Not you shrinking in your father's SUV front row seats, or his own expensive couch, on sunk in crying eyes on your Line App. 

"What's the matter on your App? Facebook? Linkedin?" 

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