
I think many girls if you just eat a little bit more food, on that weight scale, you will know that day, if your mood is different than the other days. No one says you go and ruin your own perfect body shape.

That internal statues of the equilibrium, you know that yourself. If you feeling much happier that day. You have to know how you feel that feeling. When you feeling better, you can make a decision better.

Same as the trans-gender, sometimes they don't have the money. Its once you becoming like that, and you live a little bit happy life, those are probably very extreme cases. But I think they exist.

When you are a little bit happier away from that existing condition, you rest few months, your brain its clear, and when you feeling that light air no one demanding you this or that....you breathing that moment, your brain chemistry is different.  

I will tell you, you are doing on purpose.

You suppose to get help from a psychiatry like finding a person talking none stop your issues, from the court room if were, to the book, to the situation, to the relation, to the past....talking out loud. 

You pushing a lifestyle you envy at, or demanding at....those things never be yours.

And you are being disclose on the TV, every intention of yours, none of us knowing that at all....in that expense, many people around you saying, they paying that with their life in it. 

You are the type of the girls meant the entire England paying at it, exactly just how it spinning the every stories. Its one person all things fallen. And it did.

Are you truly happy happy happy, jumping up and down on trampling, and making a film on happiness....ever lasting ....

So why don't you say it yourself, "You finally did it." 

"You make it" "You make it well." "This one lifetime, no one owing you a thing. Its perfect right how it happens to how it ended."

Saying it out loud feeling yourself?

Your true self.

Next stop its Voyage to another world, like nothing from the Past. It was just a...choice "I thought...."

I think you want to Fire it up.....All Burnt to. However the year coming by.....

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