
I didn't mean just the speaker, I mean the entire room. Most of you are blind when you become the speakers.

.... everyone all looking at the monitor. I wonder what it is on it.

"I am the Honorable Superior or the Honorable Superior Maid."

Can you tell me, where do they derive that, I would become the maid?

You know what is my downstair public announcement paper? Between 65, or 0 to 6 years old, have the free COVID 19 testing kits.

Try to feel, when you having a Big Telescope

Seeing.....all of you, really. You feeling good about it? !

Shut up, dog! 


When you are on camera, the full classroom, your medium age, meaning mostly are father's looking writing their tests, or paper. How funny, me and their desk are the same height. That is where I cannot see what you write?

And if you pulling backward, that is 20 human looks identical, same angle, how you writing its your right hand, on the same piece of paper, the same forms of desk. The same line and cross.....you feeling good about it? Between behind, those diagonal.....Even the light coming in the room, will sound like...everything has a form really.

You want to look that video again?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBT8IuWMtQs 

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