
I did told everyone other Romantic Comic Book other than the Sailor Moon, you want to pick some other romantic books? By Now, they are all free? Its just graphs.

白衣羅曼史 (White Cloth Romantic ) about the MD in the high school fitness teacher

溜冰天使(Ice Skating )

愛哭學妹 (Loving to Cry Little/female)

變奏天使 ( Tina like those drawing, its violin/ music)

花冠安琪兒 or 白色圓舞曲 I bare knowing them. (西德爾+米克里 or 亞斯+將臣)

赤河魅影 ( Red River manga) Normally I don't pick the blood story, this will be the only blood story. For Real. How did I have this one book.... I don't really remember. Ice Skating that is my mother bought them. 

我家小妹 (TV: Taiwan 公主小妹, the book is from Japan)

Sailor Moon the author's name = 武內直子

I actually cared about the drawing parts, so her more close works, I did read. Same as some others. I hate thriller any kind? So I never read certain book, I told you I only see the cover?

雨之戀 ( your SA clubs story)


忍者之花 ( Ninji's flowers, that is the same author as the Loving to Cry Little/ sister)

The same school, One Class year below your current year, you called them Little. A little bit like Fratenity. Little and Big means. One class upper or down.)

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