
I come back home about 6 years. My father is never gonna learn anything about the house. He lost everything. My mother is the one has to fix the house, the roof, the room, the water battery, she has to run a lot of the errand all the times.

Sometimes the bank, sometimes the things all around. She buying my periods pads, and alcohol wipe when I don't go out.

This house technically just me and her clean clean clean. 

I work from my home, I didn't go anywhere, in case you all loving this tour on tour, 3 days 2 nights meeting the romance, those tales. I am at home, the same place you always seen.  I have to call in that Embassy about 4 years ago, my passport expire, they move to somewhere I have no idea how to get to. 

My mother still the one carrying those distilled water for me, she drinks the boiling water. I asked her. But she carried those jar back with those older carts from the night market, or the Farm Mart, one of those places, and she stacks them up. Including the toilet paper. About one year, I switch back to the toilet paper, but right now we are all both using the cloth. 

Still my period time, I use a lot of the toilet paper.  

Just on the daily average, where a normal human, if not in bed, laying down coughing, where would I possibly be. It would be helping her sometimes, not all the time. If my weight program, I walking outside once per day. That was so long ago....I didn't bother going out, in case you didn't notice......

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