
其實 Hailey 有一個弟弟的動作就是那個抄襲賈斯汀的中年人的那個製作 Pasta 的動作 ~ 我看過呀 ! 只是 Adam and Hailey 大概在監獄~這她的弟弟有沒有學中文叫做看懂講的什麼

I say that Adam & Hailey's brother, he has a motion of that making the pasta exactly just like that Middle Age man in that 滴妹 Plagirism that Justin Timberlake NSYNC Gone MTV.

If Adam & Hailey are in the jail, I highly doubt that her brother learning any Chinese to know what's going on, isn't it?  

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其實所有男孩子知道怎麼裏頭髮~不是唉本跟我是綠色他我白色熊而已,男孩子知道你的頭髮很重重重重重~~這種1:55 的玉指燒...是講你的手指夾嗎 ? 中國極刑裡面叫做不太多的情不自禁...反正謊言跟抄襲~~這吃下去的東西要一個一個筛下去喔!

蔥要洗~鹽巴 ! 很多蟲ㄖㄨㄢˇ


都在電視上面呀 ! 

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