
Do you have a very legible writing, like writing on a Poster inside your wall? Like a Self-improve human can do? UFO Seth does that?

Your first biggest headline = Your Parents + Your Perfect home, not to lose that movie says "Burnt" or Intern (2015), every ending or the beginning of every stories.

You will not have the working advantage when you becoming 65, to keep that house, for whichever reason you feeling good about yourself, you need to go on-line, that is what Pang does best. What is a typical American need to retired to afford that money, the total sum of all that, saying Retirement.

Put that money in the posters, and start calculating your this one year, 2 years your Time didn't lose all that, on correct math, leisure stop, food stop, coffee stop, fitness gym stop, you switching to Outdoor.

No more social, no more friend, you need to concentrate your energy all these exactly math number, exactly you meant it. 

Every objects or junks you buy

Every books

Every relaxing time, what you do.

All these money have to be saved, and your health you preserved to keep a job when you can last....and all these exactly money number has to be put exactly correct space, line and square.

Any guys will not give you a penny, on anything like any stories on Forever Living, Eternal Love. Sometimes they are gays, they are trans-gendor.

Saying Goodbye, Kisses, Happy to meet you, nice do you do,

Forever Goodbye. Wishing them well, wishing them good. One thing you never go to jail, and one thing you never sit in debts no matter what. And one thing you must get things right if someone suggesting you a classify material sounds like you have a direction and a money in that Norm, why or how, or hoping that is God's will. Because most of you are not very talented.

The money or numbers you input, it will never be yours. 

But imagination.

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