
A lot of guys when they seeing you as a girl, and when you seeing them as a guy or on....these Movies Fairy Tale.

I personally will tell you, every guy will think you try to gang up on them for money. They know themselves if they have a money or not. They have a future or not in the end of all this.

But what you cannot seeing how every guys know the same stories, its you never look at every girls around you, how it becomes, and will becoming.

You need to switch that mind set a bit, trying to be thought on the guy's imagination when they seeing you as "a what girl", no matter how you define, they smile at you, they say hi to you, or sometimes they message you, or whatever the communication lead you believing that Sailor Moon stories or the comic stories. 

Sometimes, not even one thing occurs to the guys. I say thriller, but it might be some others.

These guys have a network, like they still have a mother, an aunt, or some other girls, or near by

If they are not like me Anna, one human staring at the sky, or the PC, or air....they can just open up their mouth and talk, or ask. That stories are ended before it ever begins. No matter what.

The guys are bad. Correct, they are very very bad, when you pushing them to that extent. I don't know what they can ever do, but for the soften part you do like about this one guy, or several guys, you imagine they don't care about your size, or shape....or what....

The last thing, FOREVER, it will never be these guys can do what behind, like a police report what they used to remember you, or what they find out you did, and pulling something behind, to send to the legal source for defining, or checking the credit scores, or so on so forth.

These people they have more resourceful and imagination to carry out certain action to hunt you all girls down, when that is a 2D flat closing book Black and White says.

You will get hurt, you will get taken back, you will really change when the days you finding it out, you worth to a guy, nothing but a piece of junks.



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