
Your name is? Neeta

That is a real question you have? You want to sit straight back up. Same sitting, its fine. Close your eyes, breathing in, breathing out, empty your mind. Use your nose to breathing in, and use your mouth let all air out. You do that 3 times. Then you close your mouth, repeating that sequence, so you have about 6 times breathing straight up your back. Now open your eyes look straight, slowly bent your neck right, slowly left. Looking Straight. Now, stand up, rise up your two arms, staying there again on your breathing in and out. Close your eyes in and out. Okay, and you starting your day with that or, someone near by you? Sometimes, some human near by your, sometimes they are a girl or a guy, they are massagists, your back. They called it the manipulation or the adjustment, a little bit hold up your skeleton those things? You can read some of the Cayce Edgar. Is this temporary or you just meant you are thinking something?

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