
Even on Earth, many stablized guys, let's say you saying too old, have a family, I will just tell you, to those most selfish guys of their per spem entry, its you will pay at every kid he says you raise them up, must be....never true love you do what you want with his cards.



Ex-wife, included garbage on education, sent them far away. I didn't do that.

You just happened to be in one of those scenario on Earth, did I say OFF the EARTH?

I will tell you what I remember?

You starting at your every school subjects, every tests, every grades conducts, in Asia, we have the first grading on that Virtue, Intelligent, Gym, Unity (Guys or the girls), Beauty

There are 5 selection of all grading options on your transcript exactly like your teacher says whom you were, whom you are, what you will ever be.

And your best options you thought you having all these studious nature done, you have ONE guy relationship, like he was your best friend, in case anything happened, his mouth will be open on his neck on walls. You imagine whom will be on the Internet writing the article, to what you really realize the end of every road, before you begins.

You imagine you will ever have a business

You imagine you will ever stay on a hired jobs when any guy comes around, and one day you cannot cope that jobs anymore - you really fallen in love for some strangest reason, inside your head. 

You hate guys just about one to one millions True Love never Wane....one of those. Their foot, their nails, their hair falicle? You touch you feel? 

What if its the entire body open up, from every part of the skins, you have to touch, seen, and cleaning up?

You are not gentle in your words, in your talk, in your personality, you are not gentle with your hands, at all. Whatever says don't say, know don't know, you are presenting that years of Time, you will thinking that movie does those illustion things, meaning Time return. 

I am telling you, that one thing does not stop, it will be forever those Time. you thought about last year Sep, to this year Sep, you imagine that one day of the Sep 20th can come back again? You mix up from that movie, to the earthly time.

How many girls in their 50 years old, you will be remembering, how you used to even when you are 70 years, its the 20 years old faces, if they look, they smile, nice words, gentleness to remind you some romance, especially you all insane women's head on Fallen in Love games.

You actually love something pulling in pulling out, inside your own mind. So stupid, so you will cut deeper, those years by. One year after another year. 

You have kids, you hate every story its your kids faces and their bf or gf.

If you don't have the kids, you wish you had a kid to disguise, either those guys, or some younger bracket human will exist.

Because you will find out....The Day When You Realize what Games you are playing.

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