
You know, when I was in UB, all of you having a pre-med inclination in the honor class. All of you Club human having to find one jobs....

And I was in my invention mood, to where that textbook unbound to me...Have I thought I will make a lot of money? 

You really want me to tell you? No.

I think its very dangerous, my heart going up and down with that, if going out. Starting the beginning of that I felt like that, I leave it there for a long time. 

I can tell you what that true reality it is, if you try to understand, that biology periodic Table chart I discovered.

In almost every field you called the realistic human at, to that bio lab, they use Gene sequence, in the vitro or vivo. Mostly e-coli, some kinds of the yeast form. 

If you discuss your paper base on the gene trait, not the human gene, the e-coli, or yeast gene, to that vector you purchase or what to starting the material to synthesize a final product.....you know, meaning you carrying a procedure, that one gene trait its your money makers.

It has to be a gene trait? Yes. Because when the gene trait being express for real, you can have a yielding, meaning a protein products, or seen something on the gel. Something its moving out of that filteration or something system to isolate THAT.

You have heard about you intake what organic stuffs?

So unless its an express gene, it has to be a capable express gene, you might heard of the silent gene. You have absolutely no use that anything I discover that chart.


Its because....the real gene trait that capable to be discuss on the real NCBI, if any practical sense the money were, it has to be long long long strain of the DNA, that doing a practical job, how you born with it, how you given it by your parents. By the e-coli parents.

 And those condon pairs, you are talking the numbering not in 1, its a lot...no one will discuss a unit, or stop that process to say "Hey, you have an invention, how about we starting on the step 1"? 

They will tell you, that every step has to be something you can see on the instrument, and those are the express gene must be. What your hidden karma, might be exon, or intron, your high school biology book, define the human genes, those....meaning the junk DNA, they saying in the recent 2013, they are no more junk DNA. Someone told me that. That time paper.

Its not in your textbook, how to define your hidden karma or your present karma. 

Present karma meaning when the gene splits...its a natural your body does that, they form a gene what they like to express, you will ask how you control that? You cannot control a God's process or else you could have change your eye color in different wave length?

Every Bio Lab

Like you know those Toby Duke human, or Dr. Shen, or Sayer? They have to staying in that lab learning a new Bio Tech giant develop the new techniques. These techniques are your bench lab works. You only deliver that jobs, or you have no jobs, no future, no catching up the future trendy, I cannot afford doing all that starting UB. That is...uncomfortable everyone so sure about their future, they pressing it on. I have to stay behind everything in life....I just don't care about it anymore in the end.... Everyone their heart, soul, mind are so aggressive. They are so sure about what they are doing it....


What do I think the next step?

I cannot think of the next step, I tell you why...the original biology dogma on the textbook stopped at the amino acid.

DNA makes RNA, makes Amino Acid.

You remember I told you that Tesla paper 100 years ago? Welcome?

Ribosome....there are a definition I put in the video 2019 about something you define as on the dogma level, or Structural level.

Protein its after amino acid. They have what you label as the 3 D structure, structural....primary, secondary, tertiary...In chemistry we also have those definition on the moelcular level.

What you seeing the DNA or RNA, they are illustrate as the flat things, you imagine their unwinding process to make a RNA primer goes first, and having every points to saying that process its Gods regulate, or someone can proven that....You know what you really see in the end of the chromosome lab? 

Its the chromosome !!! that has the color ink on it. 

I am not specialize or they don't have that how far Mayo clinic done, to the fine print of individual base code.

That is what Steve Jobs did, only few people having their entire genome sequence decoded. 


What's wrong with that DNA flat, and the Structural Proteins?

Its very dangerous when you saying anything structural. Its a fix seeing manifestation right in front of you. If you were saying before, those are "design step", as long as you don't push it, it will always stay as they were told. When you making a structural, you cannot put a baby back. Its a real thing in front of you. 

As long as the gene trait never pushed to express, you will never have it. Most people will not define anything that chart on the karma terms. Its very very very dangerous, including the current situation, that methods they didn't discontinued yet....

That methods telling you the background

Your fix karma and your present karma. She stated it, I didn't read from BEAS yet.

Your fix karma were your storage karma up to this present life, so the day when you getting the initiation, all that before that day before will be erased. The daily promises of that 2 and half hour, on that day on, its you promise Heaven and Earth, you deliver, to erase your processing daily inhaling germ, exhaling bacteria, they die also on karma turn, or the ant on your ground, you keep vegan diet. Whatever as a Master, if she say A, you deliver A.

To the DNA process....oh dear....I don't think about it.

I just lock it up, put somewhere else....

That original promises are on she says, you keep a 5 precepts, I say you have none. That is every single day. And they day you stop, she says its all free anyway....what you really did its that day on you don't meditate anymore to clear that methods, which they told you its a mix ratio of the light and sound, guess what the human worlds does?

Its too hard

Its too difficult

It didn't heal the sickness.

No, she told you, how the Chinese these all chi opening up. You just didn't do it but there are a physical obstruction inside you, you have to manually removed that....but guess what?

The humanity its on sadness, yeah or neh, or say, or vent...why don't you all going to hell with it.

There are something very very very strict, for that methods to show up.

Its better someone knew it, long time ago, no matter eon kalpa pass, its no food to start that methods, if I were you. People doing things so random, for everything against she says, and you just keep doing it, for everyone get the heal better, get the sleeping beauty better, fallen sleep, you know where you will all end up, really....

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