
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ You girls know what a duel in the politcal debates? Like 3 those your favorite Eben Pagan with his 2 buddies friends + 1 weaken you all girl, stand next by, someone attacks you in words, in public....in front of them 3. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’

They are normal guys, in certain business worlds capable to open their mouth to shed you some saying? You feeling reliable.

On the other hands, you will not do that for your friends, or the situation becomes so gigantic, you are not capable. Not in your langauge, not your duel background, not your mentality, not your tempament, not your manner in the public, if you were not 400 millions stab someone behind already...

If a fireman show up, screw driver your bookshelf you purchase that Target, no more moving it 4 corners steady.

If a police shows up, putting your door fitting into that frame, tested, close, nothing get bother, its they ought to be doing it.... shut off the boilers, for example, if your pots on cooking. Those people when they stand there, you feeling reliable. 

So in the real formation where you graduate from the school, you have certain knowledge, to that you putting into a individual niches, you will have to confront the public, or on your job sites, you need to speak more of a language, someone will keep you in that jobs.

None of you girls have it.

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