
越南小尼姑, recognize your Chinese symbol words? Shorty?

Sugar, diet, lies, games, self discipline

Cultivation, professionism of a TV public network

You want to start this I remember myself you remember your which Lords? It’s you know how you get to Taiwan, you get to New York, you run in 3 times stepping Taiwan, which times before 1986 starting a correct name brand logo you get jailed ? You before your classmate, not Dr Gabriel, not Bashar, all these criminal filled up faces ugly Asia just looks like you. Dr Gabriel they had a professions and your Indian master 500 years meant that was your life long time career, in jail?

You were older than these 90s jailed human? You were 36? Oh 36~~ you starting ….collecting money, let me guess, you didn’t even know where is Taiwan on your geography term at your middle school, you went to England German to maid house keeping run off a bread shop with …chasing after owner. This public networks its fill up your romance lie or you were collecting the European money with a dignity?

You ran away, you ran in 3rd, 2 years …you made a loud noise of his house…you ran off to Indian 500 years by fate ….how did you do so fatefully ran into me, how strangely by fate? 

That comic books becoming vivid each day on …and next by another comic it’s Kail, besides me meant you go to dungeon with Inelia Benz together. You have a high school musical? You finish your high school at least? How did you finish your high school, to step to England ? As a refugee statues ?

A public television works are meant to all, not just your own disciples. There are a profession lightening, a profession camera man, a professional write-up, a profession cake decorator….and you eat those cake? You cut it, you photography, you rejoin with your happy crowd disciple!!

To that all your Master’s Grace, you release from the jail, tiny bit. 

For sure not me gracy loop harp!!

You want to remember your treaty or when one day you will remember that TV right?

You got expel, exile…to which world treaty? Under the water first life, you are crawling 500 what years your goblin master he was a goblin ? You see a human form, you define me he is a real goblin maid?

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