
I can tell you the most prominent things I remember vaguely, which year I was on the physics or the chemistry? you mean in UK? Which English I read are Greek to me?

So all these formula you seeing, the very laws nature.....you are talking about the chemistry or the physics?

I will tell you, many of the rudimentary of them are back and forth back and forth back and forth!!! And those years, I say the one theory after another, guess which department would that be?

That is where you say you want to be? 

At least given me a physics and chemistry textbook, I translate my CHINESE when the last time I carrying all that learning, if not 10 years ago a Simon Cowell started inventing his air break? 

Do you want me to tell you why 2004, I didn't starting on today's right track?

I starting at 1920 SCIENCE!  There were certain things I keep repeating repeating repeating to you, almost everyone keep hearing it about it.

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