

陝西 its where Taoist that old guy grave

山西 刀削 麵

Its the shredding noodles,.....I don't know if Chinese eating them, we eating them.

Its on my Pitnerest.

They are next by.

Where the Yellow River flood, guess which exactly the location they flood? 1 oclock corner, and guess where is the Yellow River?

And where is the Great Wall?

And you know how does Taoist that old guy tale on the Taoist Sutra? He walking out of.....

Near where that Hospital is, toward that Eastern Area.  

陝西 province = 陝西省

山西 province = 山西省

They create robots, wants to see it?

This is in Taiwan.

Taiwan Robotic Noodle restaurant


They sell early Taiwan culture, were not beef culture, until the Republican party arrive, they taken with them...these whatever you see, the Beef noodle culture.

Its a big culture here.

2 mins and 30 second a bowl of noodles.

Benji Winter Olympia 

For the journalists 

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