
Does Harry Prince human ever had a talk with you? On you two, whom working ahead, he succeed first, or you will never be suceeding and die in the end, as you might aware of many black women situation, do you want out? And keep that career you built and continue?

The movie meant you think about, they know where you are, whom you are, what concern you.

And....you decision its after you have 2 birth, so you having all those taken care of? 

I will tell you what I know. Him although that head crown not as clear, to a lot of his age bracket he might have some friends, including the girls. Meaning pass girlfriend, meaning social interaction, someone like him as the newbie Hollywood. You are lucky, you all moving away from England, are you happy on that? 

I used to tell that Adam with that Hailey about...jailing.

Saying they have a loads of those kids, you see, around that family. When I was in the elementary, we have festivity, as the both family great. That fall off exact dates were in the middle school. We were both sister put into the private school, my father coming in and out, move to China, around high school, no more father kinds of, and 2nd year of that EF, he has to go through a lot of trial, its in Conan. He has something I don't even know what it is. That is what I told Adam. For sometimes, that is best for the kids. Harry himself would be almost close to that situation and he doesn't seem to recover from that at all, all his life without a parenting. 

Yeah, the Newspaper I have read, you two had one year

That after one year??! He is a new guy in the town, but he....didn't have anything with him in life, other than those newspaper. I Anna say more of certain company runs. Not just the government runs that for sure...

Its your literacy to that line and square, including a lot of subjects if that memory fade out 20 years ago, anything rudimentary subjects becoming zero, to drugs, alcohol, party, emotional games fallen in love in and out running borders....he is everywhere, not settle.

You called a doctor? He can talk about that with a MD, not on the newspaper like that?!

I think his father and his brother both knows him well, so I taken for something they say, it might be some truth of he needs to move away. Like me situation here with that one Tony. Eben has to keep reminding me...the hellish person, forever go to hell with it.

And the newspaper say you yell away all his house keepers, secretary, and I reading that from the movie Intern.

The newspaper not yesterday, the day before were saying, a lot of the US supporting journalism are fallen you one Meghan things, you reading that? The US media, something about the UN stuffs you both went to do.

Your father moving away from you too. He looks old, you have a mother lives somewhere I can just walking passing by that one selling Open House if I park the car outside. For 800,000 not the asking price up to One point something Millions, your father will tell the Truth on the camera, I assuming, that is not fake?

oh ~~~

Tony one thing his father did say, once he got married with the kids, he will NEVER EVER go to those FRIEND smoking party, to be....SUPER dangerous with that neighborhood....whatever those FRIEND were doing. 

That Harry doesn't look like good in anything, surely will never be good with your mother, his mother-in-law, asking Tea Party, he is a guy?

So....every strangle relationship worsen were your 26 rooms, you put one each, you have no foods inside the house, that ending that Camilla coming to talk? She orders the food, you order the food? That kinds?

I will tell you from my perspective feel...That Harry before he got married, he surely its the worse of all things I ever seen, everywhere.....EVERYWHERE.

But after he got married image, it looks not as bad. Personally when I seeing all that. How does ending up agreeing to marry you, from the Movies? They suggest, he suggest, he comply??? 

No, you don't need to do a thing from the TV says. You seeing that video "Big Rain soon Upon", Wallace Huo?

There is a cooking dessert? Meaning I am being invited, surely will not be that Prince Harry making a plate of something looks like that TV. That one trailer openings? 

I don't really know if there are how many by public human on my bloggers, it may not be as bad as you think, so its a girls talk like that....yeah.

Harry that types its to go be with his university friends, to groups together a buddy, and he can encourage how together bomb, acid drop on the human faces. He is like that. But that will be his most enjoyable, inressponble, happy merits no bounds, those truly happy life. No matter what, hey, that is the previlege to be Super.

Well, if that order how you two get together were not the Congress made, so that indicates the whole Royal must come down situation. I hear those songs, in the lyrics and the title, that is what I will tell you. If that is the only Royal Family decision. When the time meets, if that Congress will help you two either, you can speak your terms, right.

You both have concern.

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