
Do you remember I told you last year, Eben was online, I say to everyone, there was a Biden declaring Taiwan or White house video tape on Afraghnastan war? You see the wiki? When it ended?

I went to the military that 911 or someone Afreganstan video and leave a comment, you wish me dead, or something.....So that wiki, it was ended at beginning and the end.

Biden declares that. Remember?

See if I can find the video today, I show you....from the white house. I told you there were 6 Congress man, before there were Two American Sectretary state showing up here Taiwan small tiny land....One of those, I am telling you.....whom getting what, to guess what it is not. Biden they suppose to know about that Queen's facebook soon, or else NASA first testing and the first invites will be gone...wait...where is that video today.

Look, what happened today, that name will be Elsa, not Anna.

See 1: 43 and Bush's his wife too.



The title saying reviving the tradition....




Its Sep 8th.

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