
Because Dr. Gabriel Cousen, he is a MD, and an abbi. He has many writers, or the coaches goes to his seminar, I didn't know at the time, people talk.

They research to put in a book, so you will meeting many those writers at some of this Seminar, or Information booth, where they get their information heard.

The traditional ways are you joining a seminar, most time are free, and you will purchase some of the stuffs they bring with them. The books, the tapes, DVD, or medicinal, or New Age bracelets....etc.

They are the writers themselves, when you go on your publishing book routes, you mean you are the self publishing, or you mean its like JK Rowling, those publishers....there are the contacts involved. 


I will be the one running around for that damn Comet things, remember?  You all don't run your own paper works, I have to run everything myself.

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