
Zawanna their civilization, their citizens, many lives very old, never die. Billions Trillion Gazillion aires, because its long long long long long long time.

There is one way you making loads money, agriculture. 

Apple, I need a set of data. Babaji he did on purpose, year 2015, I have no more money.  Break down the spending on Cosmetic, clothing, shoes, jewelry accessory, tickets, travel.

Right now we are August 2nd 2022. 

Miss Universe - National Custom

Chinese we have all those traditional clothes, but the official you wedding can dress, its the Qing, the last dynasty. Not Han Dynasty. Those are for the TV customs. As for why? I don't know if there is a why, we just know that is what really sells you see, its the Qing Dynasty, not Han Clothes. 

The official Chinese Traditional Clothes would be Qing Dynasty. 

I would really say, you best care about all you girls finances, Never Vola moment. You could dress like 2 years exactly the same things, and accumulate something to stabilize yourself. Works on the jobs, so you have a constantly resume update. Not all blank. 

Eating and Drinking, I think those are the costs you just put the money away. Then cosmetic loads, or creme, or supplements, or something I might never know what it is. 

I used to didn't do for the skin reasons, I forgot. I know that is the reason, but I really need my period pain disappear and bad breath, to be with a guy.

I don't have time to think about anything else. 

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