
You girls need to have some things refrains like reading certain books, and then putting a very spicy food or salty inside your mouth. I went to check the instant noodle price. They do sell those ASMR instant noodles but so so so salty looking to me. It is 128 NT, while the cheapest package can be 78 NT. So guess which one I got?

But now I have to be on the raw food for a week.

You know, the guys have many options in their life...not just the networking itself speaking. You girls brain inside if you don't sharpen up, that age 35 its exactly its says.

I am not a guy, but if I am a guy, I care a lot about a lot of things, I am telling you. One things is not you putting those thriller and blood or novel inside your daily reading you have a heavy eye glasses on that in the shrinking less heated house....

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