
Guys care about power, money, and authoratative voice, meaning becoming an authority in that field, in whichever they becoming.....

You girls need to become a lot of that too, or else your entire fantasy will drop the years more.

And when you go realize you need to get all that, you have to ensure you deliver that standard 100 years without slipping away your IQ brain to disease because of your own fitness or hygenic issues, or lacking of the guys' supports, okay? I believe that invisible stuffs, you have to have the guy's support.

The women's born has a moon in the sky, that is a lunar effect.

I cannot related to Thriller, because I never really watching any of them including the ghost film, no matter how MIT ASAP means...

There is something internal, I don't go and frighten my entire body nerves to...holding a guy's hand, or A film = porn. Tina does those thing with her bf. She is very early on sex, but do you really like to have sex to then deliver a kid? 

Do you know if you tell your body every cell....you ever read anything New Medicine on your cellular memory how you reinforce yourself a particular memory, or sense, or feeling, you pushing that onto whom you will becoming? The violence, the thriller blood, the killing intention, the trying out on guns?

You want to try on something like you claim, wasting time on photo shooting on all kinds of the posture on the chair, not even standing up? Those wasting time effort might be better to thicken your eye glasses lens width, or thickness so that you cannot stare are the camera angle right?

Not those books?

You get up your 4 limbs, to ballet, to stretching to outfit yourself the whole closet making an album to Dennis or to Wing? Cut and paste arts, like those children me doing the art stuffs....a hobby, that is not the book novel to say any fantasy anymore, to ruin your own memory cell, those things should not be inside your brain at all.

Not Conan Detective.

Wing he works, I know where he is.

Novel might give you an incentive to know a guy, but you have to get up to really go and knowing a guy, what he likes, what he is working on, what his interests, the healthy interests. you imagine the guys beating you up?

Many guys are not those violent movies driven, or else they will be showing themslves a gun right on the facebook too. 

A lot of guys stays in the healthy realm, they might just know every words I say, and what if they research, you reach 40, you are over, I am telling you, girls. Not even a contact the guys will ever look at you anymore, and especially if they so happen to become a MD doctors. A real doctors, not a fake doctors. Meaning having seen the real profile, and how the disease human in the hospital really looks. I am in the hospital recently or occassionally, not just on the road, you girls have no reaction just about working out of your jobs, going home....something inside your mind, and it won't be romance, or else the tears will fill up your eyes frames everywhere you go. 

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