
You drink, you eat, you sleep pillow, you phone, you spent money only just like you married to me, isn’t that so? Yeah? How is new life?

White race means consideration and pouring resource to the weaken country and forces to say Justice. 

You didn’t just fail your exam, you fail everything.

You see… the day you open your trio me try or algebra book so proud in your definition Education department Congreve lawful says under the basic education

“What you ought to know in America growing up for every resources they provide you to kidnap me and drain me. You see…the day you show up your textbook that pieces of everyone math paper, you will see what it means I exist !! Because just like Orgo 251, that’s not on PCAT the reason Wing left or CADS didn’t know that’s different materials and I by pass…”

“You don’t understand do you? Your American lawful define and definition it’s a brand new language than us to say better. And we don’t have that definition on the naming methods…..and you didn’t even know what that means on your own lawful textbook.”

Let me give you an example…
“What did you say? I AM not the overseas staffs Ramses Embassy, no. Overseas Staffs like …Middleton father but, show me.”

“If I didn’t know better, I say you American done on purpose, it’s everything wrong”
“Where you say you come from? Your education?”

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