
๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿซ What would I Anna do, if the police telling you what you think its true, but you never heard it directly like someone's life just happened that day or the day before? ๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿซ

Well, I Anna do things a little bit different. I travel when I was younger, my family gives me some resources, but it was gone. So one day I don't have that much resources but to trying to get to the governmental pell grants to finish my school. Meaning never skip a class, and go to class, get the grades, and graduated.

That traveling was early in my University year, that language was not in Chinese.

When I come back here 6 years ago, Eben its never really in my life, to say, I know what is my next step in life. Even now, I don't know he says he shows up, to when the case can solve, or he wish I get well with my surgery, I rest, or I lose weight. But like I tell Eben things as if I tell people things, I observe things in my neighborhood.

Practically speaking everywhere you travel, you do that in life. What is around you. You see, you hear, you learn, you observe what the people all around. You seeing this Square and my uncle things on the TV. She might be jailed I don't even know where she is, but they might be fine living somewhere in life. If you were me, you would have gone nuts to find whom?

And? You don't wish well him, or her, or just let the world solve that, neither them, nor you. Just let the worlds fallen. You care to grab all those attention to miss the important things around the very significant points. GPS location. 

So in 6 years, its was my first time seeing the TV. First time. I didn't have a TV to back up any of my story. Not really. So the beginning of 2 years, I built up myself to enough to say.....Let's solve it the year 2018 to UB 2020, and I immediately sent the keywords online on UB 2020 before we finish the year on 2019. 

I rest, I come out again. I see something on TV, I might just gone to Eben to thank him at the beginning and to one day I needed his help. I could see. I kinda saying it, but I don't really know why I am saying it, I need that help, but I gone forward that decision I want to go and open a communication. That is one year pass, and in this one years, the Digital Informatics comes to my vision how I deal with 6+1. 4+1. You imagine someone one person could keep doing this without a breath, I would tell you.....that position its I have to rely on myself. No matter what that is. 

I drag Taipei Tape Water factory in it, because the Birds went bilisterous too. Several life indicator, I start to settle more and more as the house owner in this zoning district. Not my brother, not my sister, they don't care about this thing. I accompany my mother to give her support everywhere if she goes somewhere needed me. 

The official paper of anything she needs to filling in the paper works for us. 

To that one day I have to lose weight, one year pass, Eben still hearing that same weight going up, I do the juicing, I stop the juicing, I jump, I spin, I walked....

In this seeming like everyday you hearing me reporting my life on the internet, there was nothing particular extra. Like no friends social life, just one Taipei Tape Water factory, its my only jobs....only jobs. 

People like you all small tiny mind set, not the home owner secure manual, I am the chemistry degree of myself to handle some part of this Digital Information they say you can file on line, so I did that. 

I observe things since 6 years ago. My life is always simple. But in 6 years, I establish myself what I think I know, what I think I approach, what I think I should be doing, to what I should be seen, known, trash, or report. I did all that. Except I cannot walking in. 

Can you imagine this crap.....

But life how I Anna thought about I risk my lifes to push this TV, behind it was 9 years ago behind this 6 years ago, on this island, no one knows. No one possibly knew much...I cannot really explain in a short time. And things start to fold on me, someone keep bump into me, they keep their head low on their phone as if like a drone. I got shocked. 

Things got more relax...little by little, but I will tell you, I was blacken 9 long years never started when I was in California.....I just wish no one reading my aura. 

So to answer your question, how you pay attention in life.

Its where I say, you go home, and be righteous what you ought to be doing. But most of time, you really meant it, its me Anna showing you EVERY STEP the WAY in life, how to survive. 

Are you thinking your mind correctly? 

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