
What I think the real thing that might happen if they test out? Its you wastiing the social Tax payers money and the hospital resources, and....its kinda of like, if you saying affordable medical care, the hospital let you, you abused on it, you will inche yourself in the hospital, just you call the hospital saying, you are not feeling well, and you going in, when Annca and few guys buddy together becomes a game.

oh ~ you might really dare to do those things at all. You will ruin your entire life. Because that is design...kinds of if you observed whom are in there...Tall, that is impaired.

You gradually keep sending those games in and out, you buddy the guys or the girls together inside that facility, to outside great Party house, but everyone life are emotional uptight. Meaning problems on their minds, in their head, one day, you are inside the hospital, the same wave length alike, you say, "I am not feeling well doctor, can you give me some medicine to sleep well."

You become one of them.

You actually DARE to do those things, meaning like Calling the hospital to inquire...."Is Annca those guys inside the hospital, we met outside," And you finding your way in.... 

As a professional, you can NEVER do those things. Its so bad,....my heart cannot take that, okay? You waste 7 years in debts to become.....psycho you written yourself inside the facility to become one of them. Its too burden to my thinking, so I never thought.

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