
They were trained ....not like the other 2 as they were growing up, the uniform, or the survival arts. They listen to the commands.

Well..... the news I read are those they both family won't be inviting each other for any food outting. Not really.  That is no room. The others....looks to humble? No money to paying for the food?

❄️❄️❄️❄️ I thought discharge the Royal Duty, meaning, they have no more traveling like Prince William those....diplomatic, meaning money without those in the duty itself. 

I volunteering those sitesell, I just corresponding to the News, they say Harry has to make a money. I taken the news were not telling lies? I thought he got a father, they both talking to the dad when they need to. Like one year extension...

I have a conception, when they growing up, those two kids its at his daddy's room outside somewhere. Meaning, the grandmom talking to the dad, to the kids, as the real family ought to be getting along, or having a normal family scenario. A freedom life, that bounds the family together. 

Meaning, the first day of that lawsuit, they both will receiving a copy and talking to.  That is what the upper family they can afford to make the talking possible within the family.


Imagine what Connie and Carla used to be doing.....

Did they ever two wife cooking for the....long table guests? So that house gonna be a lonely house? No more guests? Just going to her parent's house, near their living quarter? 

How sweet. Connie move to graveyard that day on, she still driving her yellow smaller car to woodbridge. Its very very far. 

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