
Now, when you too happy in your life….2008.

And you imagine everyone is like you, every race human it’s compassionate.

You need to remember one thing very very clearly. If I Anna says bombs that entire Asian mountain with every human color die in pieces, it’s only White Ally to ensure that’s everything disappear !

They Every Asian are very clutch in if they don’t make it the Pixies Police or the military level. They themselves know what they really look like, within.

That spirituality it’s false.

But we have President swipe that compaign in the 90s, not 2000. It was on the 90s, to wipe out the entire gaming zone, disco those kinds, so Taipei doesn’t have anymore gaming zones other than Tom’s world for the kids, it’s modernize.

People overseas Asian often are the Vola hide past. You should write that down clearly every line. It’s a thing we don’t needs how they end up outside. Called ABC attitude. That system called Vola middle school, high school to trumpet college, its a norm. When I tell you the guideline you comply to exactly everything I told you.

If you coming to Taipei, you go only I say so this places. It’s everything from my side to Taipei Station. Not Y.  Don’t go south, tourism doesn’t mean a thing to me or eating. Those things have no values that’s why it’s outside the district zone.

And when I tell you people immigrant outside Taipei and they cannot get a toilet seat back in Taipei, it means they cannot buy back… that’s Jones, Psngs friend, that’s 亂馬 they are sustaining family in the California, that doesn’t mean it’s supported to stay in the local. Got it?

Taiwan it’s small tiny, and we are not on the UN seats, don’t make a complication with China, you already have a everything wrong on name, on beside. On everything.

Sometimes that collaboration is needed both ends, Taiwan to China side or China to Taiwan side. 

I don’t need that problems you create that yourself but you can get one job done your entire life one life.

One Sariputra and One Wing he will never cared for no one, not his parents, not my parents, not left over human.

Sariputra mentoring methods it’s to called everyone stupid including the Indian guys.

Very bad behavior. 

I think he gets only one housing option, not those fame things if 5 Lakes don’t drop human in the river water …he dropped the unit!

Wing doesn’t care about the spirituality or never will. No. Just…those material mundane every worlds luxury to saturate his peripheral, friends.

Pang…he is more near by me. Sometimes he listens. Little bit.

I will introduce you to them. But fix the issues.

Yeah, I find the money, I pay you. No, I don’t need any name. I have my own last name. 

Wing’s attitude it’s not convinence!

Birth chart it’s one Hong Kong, One Taiwan

Both them only cared money, friends and luxury. Not to set things right with China. ABC it’s a very bad things and attitude but they speak English. 

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