
Normally, When Tina kids Aria and George growing up....They don't get this kinds of you all small tiny doing things to get on the American Big Front pages Mapping location on Satellite GPS.

Your parents must feeling proud. 

They are not anywhere near the high school, yet. But some people when they are born, there are certain things you don't acting up like that. What is a proper things to do, to act, to ruin your own very life, saying American Medical Board grant you the Power how to be the Superman.

Why don't you say ET public announce Super man.....and tell American to obligate, and abide? See what black means black do to you.



Do you want to partner with the guys going in? If they say no, you want to ask them one to one million reasons why not, not just Dr. T rejection alone? Offices?

You can always use my draft,

"I am coming here to tell you one thing, I don't plan on running the offices, or mentor anyone to become better than me. That is a period marking. But I realize things sound more scary each day on. Every day. I have my take on this, like I have the right to lawful saying I am so and so. You think that is the point, meaning the point wrong A to Z, that is 26 alphabets. Because if I set the foot wrong in life, just the very first step....it looks like, it sounds like, it becomes like.....a totally different universe reality. "

"Can you tell me, why I ever need to help my parents or sibling? They are getting close to expire, my life its only my purpose. Its on the TV. What do you think? That kinds of right-on its set on the right foot. They always say on the interview to every Medical Profession or pharmacy I believe, its everyone's zealous attitude on quote to quote Anna says,'I always want to help people.' You gonna tell me that is not enough, or there are.....every words I draft here its copy paste Anna's words. She meant every knife to stab to one million cuts, you believe she knows, or you believe you know, or you believe I never tell? "

"Her famous quote its Kneel, Flat, Bow. She meant she is worse of all kinds than the Medical Boards if this one life I screw up in life every 16 years. Do you think she got the IQ like her PCAT scores, I heard its high. What do you think she draft this every words every alphabets close to my heart to hand it to you? I am a bad person or a very bad human? "

"I will tell you my reality inside my head, like Twlight Cafeteria, excitiment to that blood thirst to burst, my head airy....kinda of loosen when I coming back to face the true reality, like the bank statement, like the house bill I used to remember, or every bill, or collections of trivial of everything that than the books to make it in school. That momentarily display with the age, I start to see illusion on other kids growing up, or every other resume interviewee age, if that one day my options have no more options. My options only its my parents still alive. That is one thing supposed to be gratiful. But dying on the TV to that age wane down, because the life has no more exit, I planning on when I first the beginning of my ....mysterious life in UB.

UB is a collection of school. I got that. 

But those cannot last long in the imagination, because....my scenery in front of me are false and I started to believing it a different reality. Do you know what that is? You believe that chance of that reality its really hillucinating? I just really need to get that answer right now." 

(lower down your head)

"Can I ask you one more things on....very personal question....like Japanese Zen. 

If someone meets your every steps to stab your 1000 millions times as she careless as she doesn't know what she is doing. If I can prove it she consciously doing on purpose, to every words glues like a black magic right onto my body, to every shingle skins like a fish scale....Alive. Is that ilegal in Japan? I cannot describe to you, my native language its actually.... " 

"People may not understand why I get like that. You are a professor, might be living a content and happy life and stable life, so you cannot understand me. What is your IQ score in your school at your time? Do you think the difference makes the pain you cannot relate to me. I just want to know only the low IQ human can relate to each other, that successful rate supposes to be at zero, so my attempt one day might be becoming a testimony on the Television, like a proven point. You believe that? "

"Can you tell me what I want to know, if there is an Asian behind this other than you, tall, no eye glasses, kinda University? Behind all of us this UB honor classroom, where did he find the help to meet me every step the way, whatever I repeat to you this paragraph and the last paragraph, like he married to another Torus?"

"Anna says you Dr. T will never understand my pain, or ever understand what she did to me. No one can in the upper sphere of every American board. She says one day....it will be One Day human race of that past will become a memory. Do you know what she is talking about, the alone effect, like no more human like me, so its one day I pick a knife to....the innocent, because Earth all rising up the frequency of the Atlantis."

"Anna says, that is the script line How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, "That is how it is done." "

"Do you know about this girl? Dr. T? Like if they switch the entire entertainment to the Police law reinforcement, to that Chosen, you are, find me the path behind me its a failure, but not a prison. Life can let go all, but not the criminal justice to say the felony.  If the entire Simon industry are saturate to only Police now, of every paper they receive the informative product pages Title Lines, to the last page, you know I do want to know this is so open sapce my airy head, don't feel the gravity.....is that true? It makes me mad they switch the entire entertainment to go behind someone's back, but not my case to re-new life. Its behind my back. If you hear this words, can you write your comments about me....down. No. On your profile. I won't have that comment. In case....there is a reason I made it here not the last day of my Life age old. That day, its not today. What I am feeling today, its not today and that day."

"The correct language, you Dr. T can write it down for me. Its "You are Mean", it spells as Me number 1A N. Its very cute and classy and adorable to someone face like me, in the mirror, as the reserve and conservative of the orthodox. Everyone knows that, I know that. Its a house I live in I create to becoming....that kinds of language. "

"Dignity, that is the correct words. You insult my dignity, you ruin my statues quote. These are the right words of such, it means to me everything I define my dignity, they ruin that. Everyone did. My dignity its....ALL that spelling becoming a brand new reality, but every day I found it less convincing it will get to my road of belief, its 9 years pass. I saw something, I start it to freak it out. Not just the map lines. I freak out. I really literally freak out. Freaking out that list of overseas people name lists, never acquire a sympathy, what I was, what I am, what I will be. Its in the hands of the evil, and I am the righterous. I prepare a lists of the words....you mind me to continue? "

"The preparation lists of those Harry Potter looking blooms, I mean those listing names to travel abroad and my destination as if its 2 different Life direction, I starting was the air head loosen, like a fantasy lighten up me, I mean 9 years ago. Then gradually Life force losing it, til, I grips it again, but its loosen now. Every station people or personel...to all my liking lists Do you know what I mean, how I feel? Anna says, that is Magic! Like a magical Moment. Vola."

"Do you know how does someone does it, on purpose, or conscious, and what is the difference between the two inside the mind? I want to know, and I want to learn. You are a professor, you might know? Inside the brain. How someone does a thing? Like a planning? "

"Do you believe its the hate, she does that to me, like me and Dean issues....I want you to say yes, so I have my next lines, to become a conversation with Dean. That is why I cannot understand her photo, too many. But hey, its a good topics to start reunion with Dean. You guessing how many rounds that seen should be.....Smallville Lifehouse, validate proven a reunion, I am the One? No, I mean the hate subjects. The rests are the description terms with a hope you agreeing with me. That would be next time talking, its Hey Dr. T. I thought Anna had this getting it wrong like the last time.....you think Dean listen to this, at all. He got block, or they all got block away from the message. Do you know Anna does this its because Dean listening or Lee listening, or whom are listening, or she just unconsciously saying it. Did she do it with them two in mind like her Linkedin proven it. She needs to proven it. You feeling it?  "

"Isn't that breaking precepts, I feel the hurt, she got no excuse this time. But it will be funny and strange.....her mouth jobs are on precepts with these kinds of photo, you agree? Or there is an Archyangel parts of punishing the sinner, that without the past to the future unhold.... so it will be every points I getting wrong. Like every one million points, I get it wrong one million points to every single one of them. Do you think I should see a doctor? They are not meant to assign to me? Jonathon they are bound to me attention magic, those kinds? "

"I expect them knowing their assignment not on the bloom flying away, far away. That is unrealistic, right? Anna lies? I expecting them to, not they obligate too, how does this line sounds to you? Hey Dr. T?"

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