


Let me guess....what a normal ET says plots, it would be....

20 years Dean never heard me talking about anyone, not the gf, not the parents, not where he is, not where his gf, not his life, my life...anything.

I run chasing him behind, "Dean, do you remember?"

His reaction supposes to be, "Remember what?"

"I don't know, its on the TV!!! Look!"

So I observe him up and down up and down up and down like Simon Cowell....and he looking at the video, and guessing what he is looking at it. 

I say, "Never mind, you don't remember." 


But let's say Dean becomes the Lords, meant that ET SAYS, Anna, what that is?

I already told everyone in the public, maybe not on Linkedin, I say

My PCAT was

15+ 25+ 62, 92 and 97. Do you want to call Dean and tell him now? That is not the script on the TV. 

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