
๐Ÿฅช Let's say I have a Lords issue, you have a friend issue, or a proposal issue. The most company behind needs a resume. For my Facebook guys, they need to know where I been missing the 20 years or 16 years ago. Meaning what do I exactly wasting my time at? So I used to showinig them where I was on my facebook. ๐Ÿฅช

For example, design.

Now, you and me are different "karma". You saying you cooking 4 stove, you saying you watching kids. In this world of a real reality, its where many money are in the Upper sphere of someone's hands. A lot of them are guys.

They want to see your proposal.

Things writing it down. clean, concise, how do you verbalize a situation. They might have many experience by now, how people lying to them one to one thousand. You can just go behind every door, not like me Anna right on the internet to vent out.....what if I becoming?!!

The standard.

Some people going through the backdoor. You hire a writer, you formula what you want, and you having one proposal down, looking like....what do you expect them to do? Running a charity with you, or a none-profit organization like Khan Academia, or a business venture? So do you re-veiling, revealing yourself to anyone, like an open minded person, whatever they ask you, you know what to answer?

Are you skillful in the conversation?

Are you being nice in the communication?

Are you cursing words with bad attitudes every 2 seconds? 

A lot of people might be very mild person, you trying to scare them or you trying to frighten them, not a problem solving, and get things done?

Its every favor asking you, its the money talks?

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