
Let me explain to your next step...like Keanu were supposed to get a role in that Time travel...what do they called it Passenger....In around year 2012, I post many video on my facebook, one of them might be that Nibiru 2012 sign on that Feb 14.

They say all kinds of stuffs.

Now, the basic rumor in the celestial sky, were saying in the history of the Sumarian, there are author those written book about and I quote that in the Da Vinci notebook, I say 100 years missing.

And Red River Manga, the first born drawn, while that ferry traveling from Hittie to Egypt without that Ramses, or Kail, Yugi drawn, and lost the first born. To Ma'am Ching Hai, that is all her black hair era? Is that a simple say, or warning?

To that transpassing between the two worlds, they define as the Solar Sun on our planet Earth has a Twin Star, that Twin Star to this solar system its almost identical the Dark star saying.

Their center sun called the Dark Star

And they have the planets orbits identical like the Earth here revolving the Sun.

They make a nice story, to what happened, they probably took it down. However the years on the original Sumarian Author book published data should be 3600 years. To Da Vinci Book saying 3500 years.

That Red River Metro its sitting right in front of my eyes, I living, breathing, seeing the exit of Wing on the second floor cafe.

Wing, like Ferry....Ferry tale.

Ferry like Rochester to Toronto, those sea Ferry words, meaning its a ship, it is a boat. 

Many UB human might still having that video if they download. 

Tonawanda to UB itsn't as that far from Buffalo to Rochester. That is in Red River Manga. 

The transit of that ship, between our world Solar System to that Dark Star, its called "Nibiru", its on your crop circle. I show it to you already. 

Nibiru has many hearsay, no one knows what its really being said or research, but I give a very simple validate facts, you suppose to find out. 


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