
Karen story, want to hear? 這個人的故事最近你們有聽懂嗎 ? 她叫做 Karen (叫做我敞門大開~因為她們哪邊是他們自己的故事~但是我直接歡迎~是什麼意思呢? )


She has a story near, around...might be a horrific story, like that. But I open my big Gate as if welcoming....the impossible. She won't be here. 

There are things you sound like real, its not real. They have their own story, just by smelling at it. That is why it looks like that. The kids may not know, but the upper parents might know. 

Karen is a type of girl, the reason I say Wing....that horrific things I do to Wing....

我之所以對 Wing 做出那種條件

Its because Karen she can do things. She has some mobile things she can carry to do THAT. So when those time in UB, and Canisius, someone knew that from her high school. She has a particular quality. 

For me, if Wing has this emergency whatever things on TV, so bad, I thought it was in China, it is in Japan? Do we confirm yet?

If Its related to China, I have to do something, no? There is something like that is a seen thing. Whatever you understand what I say. For Karen that side of stories, their upper line might be a very very dense, heavy, old old old guy. But he might just say no, and he will have a guy looks like a red hair type, completely screw up his life, and Karen has to fix it. If she is capable to fix it with next 16 years bracket, because that is what it means it.....She cares for that guy, and understand she one person does not lean on the guy, for both GOODNESS, 2 people, she will gain something in the end. 

But Karen never asked me a thing, I don't bother telling her, those crap. She will never go with the old guys first of all. Second, she thinks she has an options, probably. 

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