
In China history, what I tell everyone to that Wing and Karen Queen story....that was when the West world coming into China. To that same Emporor, he shut down all China to New World Order situation, they last about 500 years or 700 years?

They close gate.

System Open.


Keywords: What would be my wish? 

To all online protocol to that you claim, including TV public networks backing up with the legal system, when I checking all data to back in this time, how everything coming into my knowledge, if you failed your education one to one zillion as I listing you 100% every details how your world operate, and you continue to fail every education requirement to let that Digital Era drop on low IQ cannot stop proving them each other on and on and on on those psycho Youtubers on that 194 country, your UN will have one bomb, to that one degree, your warning to your eternity, what lawful to give you very very little merits to sustain your entire society, this is your warning..... producing children included so everyone die together exactly how Tina planning on....every soul rotton born, rotton get up, rotton mel-function grow up. 

To the new line I draw you, might be just outside your Earth to that tiny merits left long time ago on your Nibiru hearsay history....

If you daring to try tiny one bit, one soul particle, one creative EVER thinking outside box one dust....you will see how the end ending on exactly how the history showing you there.  I have a title, I have a name. I demand only exactly what I like to see...not what you prefer to put on that Television or online format, keep proving to everyone, or me, what I did not know there is online protocol.


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